Sunday, December 4, 2011

Canada Revisits Old Debate on Assisted Suicide

My note: This is an issue I feel very strongly about. If a person is in constant pain, has to rely on others to do simple everyday tasks and generally dreads waking up in the morning, then they should have the right to die.

Gloria Taylor arrives at the British Columbia Supreme Court
Confined to a wheelchair, in constant pain and unable to bathe without help, a 63-year-old grandmother has forced the issue of assisted suicide into Canadian courts for the third time in two decades.
Gloria Taylor has Lou Gehrig's disease, a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurological affliction.
"It is my life and my body and it should be my choice as to when and how I die," she said before going to the British Columbia Supreme Court last Thursday to challenge Canada's ban on assisted suicide, a crime carrying a sentence of up to 14 years in prison.

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