Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fired Via Facebook!?

Fired Via Facebook by Jack Ryan
A teenage schoolgirl from Melbourne, Britain was fired via Facebook. Facebook is a social networking site that millions gather to communicate and organize.
According to reports, Chelsea Taylor, 16, worked at the Lacashire Tea Room part-time for the past eight months. The letter was from her manager, Elaine Sutton, and she fired her for losing money during an errand to get some cookies for her colleagues.
Here is the message:
"hiya Chelsea it's Elaine from work. Sorry to send u a message like this but bin tryin to ring u but gettin no joy. I had to tell the owner bout u losin that tenner coz obviously the till was down at the end of day. she wasn't very pleased at all and despite me trying to persuade her otherwise she said I have to let u go. I'm really sorry. If u call in in the week with your uniform I'll sort your wages out. Once again I'm really sorry but it's out of my hands. Elaine xx."

Taylor's family was furious to see such an unprofessional letter written to her daughter via facebook at that. Her mother called it "disgusting", "heartless", "appalling" and "dreadful". She couldn't believe they couldn't even call her daughter to tell her over the phone, let alone in person.
"And to have the message all misspelled with capital letters and apostrophes missing is simply disrespectful and sets no example to other employees" her mother said according to
Is firing someone via Facebook the easy way out and unprofessional? Or are we looking at the future of being fired from jobs. (c) tPC

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